Monthly Archives: October 2010

New painting

The Virgin Mary with Serpent Underfoot

I added a new painting to the family at Etsy.  No matter how hard I try, religious iconography always finds its way into my oeuvre.   C’est la vie.

Postmodernism in a nutshell

I received an e-mail in my blog account and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t somebody asking to transfer 1 million pesos to my account or someone informing that a long lost relative just gave  me 2 million shekels or something (I’m not falling for that again).

Instead, some folks wanted to share their blog post about some of the core components of postmodernism.  It certainly isn’t all encompassing but it is a great primer that captures the salient points of the movement.

Check it out here: 10 Core Components of Postmodernism

And now for something completely different…

I felt like a change of pace so I pulled up  Jack Kerouac’s classic reading from On the Road on the Steve Allen show.  Enjoy.

Hey, I have an art show!

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It’s been a while  but I have a gallery show coming up once again.  In the off chance that you happen to be in Columbia, MO between October 11–October 22, feel free to check it out.

The show is at the Craft Studio on the University of Missouri campus: 

New Book, ‘Trespass. A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art’

On Tashcen’s website (fantastic selection of art books btw) I  came across this book:

Chronicling graffiti art and street art is, to say the least, difficult.  The shadow of illegality, preference  for anonymity, and the spectre of the criminal element complicate the process which is, in my opinion, unfortunate because graffiti art is a genre packed with significance and relevant commentary that is lacking in much of the art world en large.

This looks like a great and well-researched book that incorporates great plates and first hand accounts from the artists themselves.  Domestic and international trends in graffiti art are covered and it even includes a preface by reclusive Banksy–how cool is that!